Terms and Conditions of Download, License Purchase, and usage of TimeLord.

Usage of this software ("TimeLord") is limited to licensed users only (individuals or organisations which have excepted these terms and conditions, and paid the licensing fee to activate functionality). These terms and conditions form a legally binding agreement between you (the user) and TimeLord HQ (Rowan Maclachlan), to which you will adhere at all times. If you do not except these terms and conditions, you must not download TimeLord or purchase an Activation Code, or if you already have you must remove it from your system. The term "Licensing" and "License" are sometimes used to refer to the purchase of an "Activation Code". You, the user or reader of this document agree simply by reading it that any mistakes in these terms and conditions will not void the intentions of the terms and conditions, and understand that these terms and conditions are subject to change. TimeLord HQ has best intentions for you and your use of the TimeLord software, but can not offer warranty or guarantee that it will always work as intended, though will attempt to assist you in your efforts through TimeLord HQ's support mechanism. Whilst great effort has been undertaken to build TimeLord as safe and stable media delivery platform, there is always the possibility of a hardware and/or software malfunction or failure, it must be accepted and understood that responsibility for any damages or losses incurred through the use of this software product remain entirely with user. A licensed user may be any individual, organisation, business or corporation, and for the purposes of this document, all users of this software are considered licensed users. Licenses are issued electronically after payment, and licensed on a per-installation basis. Any mentioned brands or products are copyright by their respective owners, and are not authorised for use though used in good faith. Any copyright or patent infringements are completely unintended, and complainants should make immediate contact with the developer (dmxout at gmail dot com), as this software was developed independently for the greater artistic community, and is not the product of a hostile capital venture. Claiming patent infringements on TimeLord would be a douchebag move, and will be publicised as such and you waive any right to recourse. THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. I DONT REALLY LIKE CAPITAL LETTERS, BUT IT SEEMS TO BE THE LATEST TREND, TIMELORD HQ IS NOT SHOUTING AT YOU. The licensed user agrees to not reverse engineer, disassemble or modify the TimeLord software components (TimeLord will not start if it has been modified). The licensed user also agrees to not copy or distribute the TimeLord software components. License enforcement and payment processing are undertaken by third-party providers, and any problems in service delivery from this supplier are not in the developers control, though every attempt is made to ensure a smooth experience with license enforcement. There is no guarantee that TimeLord will work with your hardware or software, though every reasonable effort has been made to support a range of 3rd party devices. There is no warranty of fitness for any usage purpose. As the licensed user, you agree that there won’t be any legal actions taken against the developer, and acknowledge the premise of the above mentioned statements being toward the resolution of an amicable outcome. TimeLord can be tested before purchasing an Activation Code, therefore no refunds are available. A license is valid for one installation at a time. During Activation, you must create and enter a password. Failure to produce the correct password on reactivation or deactivation does not a refund make. At most, liability will be limited to the amount tendered for purchase of a individual TimeLord license. TimeLord developer may at any time choose to cancel your license and subsequently disregard you entirely, especially if your considered to be an ass hole. You agree to not attempt to charge-back your license fee. Otherwise, TimeLord is copyright in the year of 2010, through to the present day, but has nothing whatsoever to do with the darleks, or the tardis… Modifications to the specification, license, availability, layout and features of TimeLord should be assumed likely, and at any time can be subject to change without notice. "TimeLord HQ" and "developer" refer to Rowan Maclachlan of Australia. No information is collected and transmitted to TimeLord HQ without your consent, and your privacy is excellent since the only identifiable information about you is stored at PayPal and SoftWorkz (3rd party providers), and is unavailable to me, other than transaction information. You can find the mentioned 3rd party privacy policies online at their respective sites. TimeLord HQ will not assume the responsibility for the loss of anything from anywhere at any time for anybody. I will however accept responsibility for any thing legal that is considered awesome or spectacular in any fashion.  Enjoy responsibly, not recommend for use around pregnant women who are clingy or maybe become jealous.